Friday, 18 May 2012

Mobility Scooter Insurance

If you own an electric mobility scooter consider whether you should buy insurance?

An insurance policy on your mobility scooter can protect you from the replacement or repair costs should it be stolen or vandalised.

As with most high value items a mobility scooter is not the cheapest of items to replace. When the theft occurs of a mobility scooter however that is usually the start of inconvenience for its owner. If you have owned or had the use of an electric mobility scooter for quite a while you will no doubt be used to the freedom one of these mobility aids gives. Even what we take as basic day to living tasks such as zipping to the corner shop or public house can be taken away if you are suddenly without the use of your mobility scooter.

How would you travel to a friends or relatives home if your only method of transportation was taken away?

You can reduce the impact of such an event by buying a suitable insurance policy.

How much does mobility scooter insurance cost? 

This depends on several factors including the make and model of mobility scooter you own, its value, whether it is a new or secondhand scooter, and also where the scooter is to be stored or parked when not in use.

You can reduce the insurance cover premium by taking several steps to reduce the risk of theft. These include parking your electric mobility scooter off-road and out of site, perhaps in a shed or garage? by way of fitting a security alarm or padlock and chain? a simple way to reduce your insurance cost is by accepting a larger amount of insurance excess. 

Looking For The Cheapest Price On Mobility Scooter Insurance?

You can save money generally by choosing to insure your mobitity scooter by way of using an on-line (on the internet) company.

Insurance premiums are generally lower in price due to the insurance company being able to cut their admin costs to the minimum and by way of producing insurance quotes via email direct to you.

If you are the owner of an electric mobility scooter and don't have access to a computer or a laptop pc, why not ask a friend or relative to get an online insurance quote for you? 

Be safe rather than sorry by purchasing mobility scooter insurance.